On the rocky coast along the coastal path is found mainly Yellow- legged Gull, called Provencal gabian : marked yellow beak red at the end of the lower mandible yellow-legged adult. Gull through several plumages of jevenil stage to adulthood.
The young birds area rather in shades of brown, which gives it a dirty appearance, with a dark bill and legs pinkish. Adult, it is a pure white on the body, the underside of the wings, head and tail, gray on top of back-tipped wings stained white. You can see the doors of the Rock on the rocky coast of Cape Camarat.

The Cormoran, entirely black, winter on our shores. From April to October he goes nesting Brittany coast and Scandinavian coast. It occurs often drawn on his feet with wings spread in a qualified position heraldry. This position allows it to dry the wings.
In Mediterranean, there are many species of birds close to the yellow-legged gull family Laridae : Seagull brown (the dark wins),The Gull ( red beak), The black-headed Gull (dark brown head), The Mediterean Gull (black head), Little Gull (very small), Tern, also called sea swallows, Common Tern (red beak) caujek Tern (black beak yellow trip), The Little Tern (the small beak yellow black trip).
In spring, you’ll find the blue marlin also called Blue Rock Thrush. This very shy bird nests on the rocks above the customs house, where it is observable with field glasses. The male of a dark blue color is visible at the end of the winter because the weather is quite good., while the female incubates her babys, well sheltered in a hollow rock.